OK, this news is a couple days old for those of you praying for Cathy... She got more results back from the doctor, and apparently she has "slightly elevated alpha proteins" which is a possible flag for liver cancer. It is only slightly elevated, and her sonogram showed nothing out of the ordinary, so we're not worried about it.
The big news is, contrary to her previous intentions, Cathy has scheduled herself for a liver biopsy. This will give us a much clearer picture of what to expect. If her liver is already damaged after having HCV less than two years, Cathy may decide to undergo the year treatment. This would involve weekly, self-administered shots of Pegasys (pegylated interferon alfa 2a) and Copegas (ribavirin). It's a good thing they're self-administered, as needles just plain freak me out. Recente studies (2004) indicate that the cure rate is about 46% for Cathy's HCV genotype.
We'll update you as we know more, of course.
We will continue to lift Cathy up in prayer!