"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" - Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3
Well, my summer class if finally over. Those was four grueling weeks of class, but I finished. During that time, I studied a church in Fullerton called Eastside. Nice church...
I started reading my daily devotions from the NLT. I received a copy of "The One Year Bible NLT" and decided I like it. There is a daily reading from the OT, the NT, a psalm and some proverbs. At the end of the year you have read Psalms twice and Proverbs 4 times. It is working out pretty good for my devotional reading, although I have been reading the daily allotment as well as "catching up" from January.
We also started a new diet... I've been on Atkins for over a week now. Cathy is still fat-free, so she's eating veggies and fish with the occassional bit of lean chicken. The Atkins-for-Lee & Low-fat-for Cathy thing was making it very difficult to cook (Cathy essentially prepares two separate meals), so some meeting of the minds was in order. It turns out that The South Beach Diet (article) is a refinement and, if you will, an update on the role of carbohydrates and fat in a diet. So, I can transition from Atkisn to SBD without trouble, and it really helps Cathy plan meals. So now I'm on the SBD.
Finally... another good thing kinda came to an end. Ellen the Kitten went home with her new parents a few minutes ago. We're going to miss her, but we're happy for her. She'll get spayed in approximately one month, so I'll see her again. But we are limiting contact in order to facilitate her bonding to her new mommy and daddy. *sniff*
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