Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Georgia Demographics and Health Care

Most of you know that I want to move to Georgia and work along side Cathy's dad at church and in the community. The idea is to do this outside of my day job hours... but who knows, maybe I'll win the lottery (I should buy a ticket).

CiteHealth offer a lot of information in one place. It's supposed to be about free information on health care providers, but I found a lot of demographics data about Georgia and a whole lot of other states. Since my father-in-law's church ministers to people who had drug and alcohol problems, it was interesting to see that there are no rehab centers near him. Who knows, maybe CiteHealth doesn't have a complete list.

According to them, Georgia only has 3.6% of the workforce in IT jobs... so maybe if I move I can find a decent job (still hoping for that transfer, though).

Oh, and get this: they give you a Starbucks card for linking back to them about their Health Care Reports. Since I am posting this anyway, I'm getting Cathy some coffee!

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