So, if you need to read Publisher files, or if you need to send Publisher files to others, here are a few options, including a "free Publisher reader" of sorts.
For CREATORS of publications:
You can convert your publication to PDF first, and email the PDF file.
- If you have Publisher 2003, you should download a PDF printer. I would recommend that you install CutePDF (you'll also need to install GhostScript). This will give you a CutePDF "printer"; You can create PDF files from anything you print, so just print your Publisher file to CutePDF. You will be prompted to save the PDF file; just email the PDF instead of the Publisher file.
- If you have Publisher 2007, download the "Save as PDF or XPS" plug-in from Microsoft. From your publication, choose the File menu to save the publication as a PDF file, then email it.
- You can also embed the Publication in the body of an email; use the File menu in Publisher to send the publication as an email.
For RECEIVERS of publications:
If you receive a PUB file as an attachment and do no have Publisher, you can convert it or get a "free reader."
- You can convert the PUB file to a PDF online, for free, at PDF Online and have the converted document emailed to you.
- You can also get a "free reader" of sorts by running the Publisher trial version until it expires. Download the TRIAL of Publisher 2007. For 60 days, you will have full functionality. After 60 days, it will still open PUB files; you can print but you cannot edit them.
I love Publisher. :)
ReplyDeleteI too Love Publisher. I am a little dismayed that 2007 doesnt automatically export PDFs as Word 2007 does